Frequently asked questions
- What do we do in our first appointment? When we meet for the first time, we will get to know each other. We will explain how we work and what you could expect if you work with us. We will answer any questions you may have and there is never any pressure or obligation to do anything.
- Is there a charge to meet with us? We never charge for an appointment.
- Do I need to bring anything with me? Nothing is necessary but anything you choose to bring may be helpful to our conversation.
- Do you do evening appointments? Yes, we are very flexible.
- Would you meet over zoom? Sure.
Here are more frequent questions to we are asked:
- I don't even know where to begin. How do I get started?
-When can I retire?
-When should I start taking Social Security?
-Am I invested the right way for my stage in life?
-What happens if the market crashes again?
-Will I run out of money?
-How much do I need to retire?
- What do I do with my 401K?
- How can I save for my children's education?
- How do I plan for the possibility of assisted living or a nursing home?
- I am expecting a lump sum of money. What should I do?
-Any many more…